Website Discovery Workshop

We create really beautiful things for the web

[evc_section_title title=”Website Discovery Workshops help us scope and define your website. This ensures that everything we do for you is aligned with your business goals and objectives.”]

The website discover workshop focuses on getting the essentials of your website right by assessing your business goals and needs, defining the needs and goals of your users, and considering how your brand, products and services need to be represented online.

 The information gathered helps us to create the start of your website’s information architecture, meaning we can define the pages you need, which content is required and what functionality is necessary in order to build you a site that will help you achieve your business objectives.

What is a Discovery Workshop?

A Discovery Workshop is a hands-on, facilitated workshop which is used to understand client/stakeholder design and marketing problems. Discovery workshops aren’t about designing screens or coming up with a final solution. Rather, they’re an efficient way for a project team to gain a shared understanding, explore ideas and develop a direction before starting a new project.

Outputs of the workshop may include User Personas, User Journeys, Sitemaps, Content Plans and Prototype, all of which contribute to the structure, look and feel of your website. The end goal, is to create a website that inspires, engages and converts – and going through this process at an early stage will help us to achieve this.

Why do we do discovery sessions?

Without a structured approach, it takes longer to talk through your requirements and goals, all while we could potentially be the wrong fit for each other. This is where a discovery session comes in to save  time and resources.

[evc_section_title title=”What is included in a discovery sessions?”]
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_library=”typicons” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-group” icon_size=”72″ icon_color=”#f00e96″ text=”Work out who your main target audience is through audience segmentation.”]
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_library=”typicons” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-calendar” icon_size=”72″ icon_color=”#f00e96″ text=”Analyse the current and past marketing efforts you have undertaken”]
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_library=”typicons” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-time” icon_size=”72″ icon_color=”#f00e96″ text=”Determine the level of our work involved and your budget”]
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_library=”typicons” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-image” icon_size=”72″ icon_color=”#f00e96″ text=”Step back and look at your business as a whole to work out the strengths and weaknesses.”]
[evc_section_title title=”How does a discovery session help?”]
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_library=”typicons” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-tick-outline” icon_size=”72″ icon_color=”#f00e96″ text=”Scope and define your website to ensure it meets user expectations and business goals.”]
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_library=”typicons” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-tick-outline” icon_size=”72″ icon_color=”#f00e96″ text=”Give your website a solid foundation by having a site map, content plan and user profiles to use going forward.”]
[evc_section_title text_alignment=”left” enable_separator=”yes” title=”Consultancy” text=”We can host Website Strategy Workshops for new or existing clients who haven’t yet committed to a web design or build but require our expertise and support to scope or plan their project. This is particularly beneficial for those who have limited in-house resource or knowledge. The work can be done independently, meaning you will have a note of the website’s objectives, user profiles, information architecture and functionality requirements without committing to design and build. You can use this information to send out briefs and tenders should you choose, or can proceed to the next phase with us.”]
[evc_section_title text_alignment=”left” enable_separator=”yes” title=”Kicking Off Website Projects” text=”We commence every website project by running the Website Strategy Workshop. We will host the session, in which we invite 4-5 of your key project stakeholders to join in activities and exercises that will help us plan and develop your website. We have undertaken this service for a wide variety of clients, from national SME’s to huge international brands – however the desired outcome is the same, getting the key information and defining your site so we can design and build according to your business needs.”]
[evc_section_title text_alignment=”center” title_tag=”h2″ enable_separator=”yes” title=”Our website design capabilities include”]


From experience we know that businesses have regular needs; design, development, consultancy, marketing, project management, pitch provisioning, etc. we provide the missing link.


Whether you are a direct client or an agency, we want you to succeed and provide you with direction, strategy and mentoring at every stage of your digital project journey.


Complete website support for peace of mind, ongoing results and growth. We offer more than just website maintenance, we supply the tools, knowledge and expertise for growth!


Never underestimate the importance of the beautiful website design, it is imperative that the design has high visual impact to create a lasting effect.


The internet is a fast-moving environment, our team is relentless in their researching and development practices, continually pushing the boundaries of technology.


We’re experts on the consumer purchase decision cycle and have a long track record of building high performing websites that meet commercial objectives.


We specialise in WordPress website design, development & digital strategies that not only look beautiful but help your business grow by attracting and engaging your customers.


We specialise in Drupal website design, development & digital strategies that not only look beautiful but help your business grow by attracting and engaging your customers.


We specialise in Magento website design, development & digital strategies that not only look beautiful but help your business grow by attracting and engaging your customers.

Pick up the phone and give us a call!

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