Data Security

Data Center Security

  • The Random Agency stores personal data on secure services that are managed by The Random Agency and its service providers in the EU.
  • The Random Agency use Web Application Firewall  (WAF) for DDoS protection, this allows us to be online 99.99% of the time
  • The Random Agency is hosted by the world’s leading data centre providers. Our partners guarantee us the physical security to protect against unauthorised entry, protection against power outages, full CCTV coverage externally and internally for the facility.

Protection from Data Loss, Corruption

  • Personal data that The Random Agency stores or transmits are protected by security and access controls, including username and password authentication and two-factor authentication where appropriate.
  • Passwords and API keys are stored either in hashed or in securely encrypted forms. Our own staff can’t even view them. If you lose your password, it can’t be retrieved—it must be reset.
  • The Random Agency archives data on securely isolated backup systems that are located in EU.

Application Level Security

  • All our applications working through SSL/TLS. Your data will be safe because is transferred via the securely encrypted connection protocols.
  • Certain changes to your account, such as to your password, will trigger email notifications to the account owner.
  • Payment Gate Security Protection
  • Protection against XSS attacks
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery protection by generating nonce tokens for all forms and any sensitive information in our application.
  • We use “AES” encryption on all major things like API keys, tokens, etc
  • We perform the regular security audit
  • We use a system of automatic notification of failures to prevent unauthorised access so that your widgets are always online
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